Hiding- film screening 4/24

Sunday, April 24 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm at 246 Dalzell Street

Hiding Trailer III from LiNK Global on Vimeo.

LiNK (Liberty in North Korea) is a nonprofit organization devoted to raising awareness on the humanitarian crisis in North Korea and helping North Korean refugees who are hiding in China escape to a safer country. North Korea has no freedom of speech, press, or religion. There is a lot of poverty and very little food for people to eat. Many North Koreans flee their country to China to seek freedom or to find food to eat. However, any North Korean caught by a Chinese authority is automatically sent back to North Korea, where they will face torture in a political prison camp or execution.

LiNK is sending out a group of "nomads" to raise awareness on the crisis and to show a documentary called "Hiding," which follows stories of five different North Korean refugees as the escape from China to find freedom in a safer country.

For more information on LiNK, visit:

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